jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind

Walk away if you want to 
It's okay if you need to 
Well you can run but you can never hide 
From the shadow that's creeping up beside you 
There's a magic running through your soul 
But you can't have it all 

Whatever you do - I’ll be two steps behind you 
Wherever you go - and I’ll be there to remind you 
That it only takes a minute of your precious time 
To turn around, I’ll be two steps behind 

Yeah yeah 

Take the time to think about it 
Walk the line, you know you just can't fight it 
Take a look around, you'll see what you can find 
Like the fire that's burnin' up inside me 
And there's a magic running through your soul 
But you can't have it all, no 

Whatever you do - I’ll be two steps behind you 
Wherever you go - and I’ll be there to remind you 
That it only takes a minute of your precious time 
To turn around, I’ll be two steps behind 

There's a magic running through your soul 
But you, you can't have it all 

Whatever you do - I’ll be two steps behind you 
Wherever you go - and I’ll be there to remind you 
That it only takes a minute of your precious time 
To turn around, I’ll be two steps behind 

Yeah baby, two steps behind 
Oh sugar, two steps behind

Walk: Caminar
Hide: Ocultar
Shadow: Sombra 
Creeping: Arrastrando
Soul: Alma
Whatever: Lo que sea
Remind: Recordar
Fight: Luchar

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Definition and Classification of Solid Acids and Bases

In general terms, a solid acid may be understood to be a solid on which the color of a basic indicator changes or a solid on which a base is chemically adsorbed. More strictly, following both the Bronsted and Lewis definitions, a solid acid shows a tendency to donate a proton or to accept an electron pair, whereas a solid base tends to accept a proton or to donate an electron pair. These definitions are adequate for an understanding of the acid-base phenomena shown by various solids, and are convenient for a clear description of solid acid and base catalysis.

In accordance with the above definitions, a summarized list of solid acids and bases is given in Tables 1.1 and 1.2, The first group of solid acids in Table 1.1 includes naturally occurring clay minerals. The main constituents are silica and alumina. Various types of synthetic zeolites such as zeolites X,Y,A, ZMS-5, ZSM-11, etc. have been reported to show characteristic catalytic activities and selectivities. The well-known solid acid, synthetic silica-alumina, is listed in the seventh group, which also includes the many oxide mixtures which have recently been found to display acidic properties and catalytic activity. In the fifth and sixth groups are included many inorganic chemicals such as metal oxides, sulfides, sulfates, nitrates, phosphates and halides. Many have been found to show characteristic selectivities as catalysts.
Of the solid bases listed in Table 1.2, special mention should be made of the alkaline earth metal oxides in the fourth group and mixed metal oxides in the sixth group, whose basic properties and catalytic action have been recently found to be striking and interesting. A solid superacid is defined as a solid whose acid strength is higher than the acid strength of 100% sulfuric acid. Since the acid strength of 100% sulfuric acid expressed by the Hammett acidity function, Ho, is - 11.9, a solid of Ho < - 11.9 is called a solid superacid. The kinds of solid superacids are shown in Table 1.3. The groups 1 through 6 include acids supported on various solids.
On the other hand, a solid superbase is defined as a solid whose base strength expressed by the basicity function, H-, is higher than + 26. The basis of the definition has been described in the literature.') The kinds of solid superbases are shown in Table 1.4 together with their preparation method and pretreatment temperature.

  1. K. Tanabe, in: Catabsis by Acids andBases, (eds. B. Imelik, C. Naccache, C. Coudurier, Y. Ben Taarit, J. C. Vedrine) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1985, p.1.
Terms: Condiciones
May: Puede
Understood: Entendido
Following: Siguiente
Both: Ambos
Whereas: Mientras
Phenomena: Fenómenos
Shows: Mostrar
Naturally: Naturalmente
Clay: Arcilla
Synthetic zeolites:  Zeolitas sintéticas
Such:  Tal
Well-known:  Bien conocido
Mixed: Mixto
Striking:  Llamativo
Strength: Fuerza
higher:  Superior
kinds:   Tipos


A study presented in Brussels showed that moderate consumption of beer after physical exercise is as effective as water for rehydration and recovery.

Dr. Manuel Castillo, University of Granada, presented the results of a study conducted with a group of young men, and that consisted of measuring the body's reaction to the ingestion of water or beer after strenuous physical exertion.
The conclusion was that moderate beer-specifically, two "thirds" or bottles-"is not a problem that harms the rehydration that occurs after exercise."
In this sense, the beer would be "just like if we took water", and recommended consumption of fermented drink all those people who have no contraindications.
Also, the doctor said that during the conference will present another study that ruled that there is "no relationship" between beer consumption and the tendency to develop "beer belly".
Dr. Ramon Estruch, the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, explains his results from several studies showing that moderate consumption of beer "helps prevent strokes, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the arteries."
In any case, Estruch stressed the importance of "Beer is consumed within a healthy eating pattern, and specifically of the Mediterranean diet."

Consumption: Consumo
Measuring:  Medicion
Strenuous :  Agotador
Harms: Daños
Develop:  Desarrollar
Beer belly: Barriga cervecera
Strokes:  Accidentes cardiovasculares

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

The sportswear company, Adidas, and Google, presented a new model of sneakers that has the ability to connect to social networks, to send the movements and exercises of the people who uses it.
This new product was shown at the 'South by' and have the ability to speak, then alert user inactivity and being encouraged to continue exercising.
Additionally, the shoes report on a map the routes taken and the amount of activity performed during a walk or jog.
The connection with mobile phones is done through bluetooth system to access to the mobile data connection.
it is unknown if it will be sold massively.

Network: redes
Send: enviar
Shown: mostrar
Encouraged: incentivar
Taken: tomadas
Perfomed: desempeñada
Walk: caminar
Jog: trote
Unknown: desconoce
Sold: vendido

Personal Information


I am Catalina Barrera Andrade, i am 18 year old, i am from Libano-Tolima, Currently live and study in Manizales,I study engineering chemistry at the National University of Colombia, I like to eat a lot and more if it is ice cream.I love to my family.