jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


A study presented in Brussels showed that moderate consumption of beer after physical exercise is as effective as water for rehydration and recovery.

Dr. Manuel Castillo, University of Granada, presented the results of a study conducted with a group of young men, and that consisted of measuring the body's reaction to the ingestion of water or beer after strenuous physical exertion.
The conclusion was that moderate beer-specifically, two "thirds" or bottles-"is not a problem that harms the rehydration that occurs after exercise."
In this sense, the beer would be "just like if we took water", and recommended consumption of fermented drink all those people who have no contraindications.
Also, the doctor said that during the conference will present another study that ruled that there is "no relationship" between beer consumption and the tendency to develop "beer belly".
Dr. Ramon Estruch, the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, explains his results from several studies showing that moderate consumption of beer "helps prevent strokes, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the arteries."
In any case, Estruch stressed the importance of "Beer is consumed within a healthy eating pattern, and specifically of the Mediterranean diet."

Consumption: Consumo
Measuring:  Medicion
Strenuous :  Agotador
Harms: Daños
Develop:  Desarrollar
Beer belly: Barriga cervecera
Strokes:  Accidentes cardiovasculares

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